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XGEN / Open

Openware Technologies, Inc.

On one level, XGEN /Open is an extremely robust, high leverage 4GL whichmay be used to develop software applications for the Unisys A/V Seriesmainframe, most UNIX platforms and both Windows 95 and Windows NTplatforms. On another level, XGEN / Open is also a flexible environmentinto which proprietary Unisys COBOL and LINC code may be "encapsulated"and migrated to open platforms. When an Openware customer moves theirlegacy application(s) into the XGEN / Open environment, they get not onlyportability but a high-productivity, state-of-the-art development tool aswell. XGEN / Open uses many of the same constructs and conventions asCOBOL, resulting in minimal retraining and immediate productivity fordevelopment staffs. The product is in essence a COBOL code generatorwhich produces the appropriate COBOL, database and datacomm interfacesdepending upon the platform for which the application is being targeted.For example, if the application is being targeted to a Unisys A-Seriesmachine, XGEN / Open generates COBOL 74 and database calls to relationaldatabases such as Oracle or Informix. XGEN / Open is so flexible it alsoallows users to generate applications for IBM MVS and AS/400environments. A single set of XGEN source can generate an applicationfor dozens of different hardware platforms, databases and datacommenvironments. This means XGEN / Open users are not locked into specific(and often proprietary) hardware and database environments -- one of theprimary goals of the open systems movement.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.4

Openware Technologies, Inc.
8000 Arlington Expwy Suite 600
Jacksonville, FL 32211-7475
Phone: (904) 725-7187
        (800) 741-2927
Fax: (904) 723-3370